130/365 Cartoons and Animation

I believe many of us as kids or even now have watched or are watching many cartoons and animation. I am someone who loves to draw and animate. I’m even in the works of making my very first cartoon series. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t get backlash for watching cartoons. Many people that I know would always tell me to watch “real” shows and to not watch these “kiddish” cartoons. I always felt as if something was wrong with me or that I wasn’t supposed to do something, as if I was doing something illegal which I’m not, I’m just watching some goofy cartoons. Many people believe that cartoons are only for children like 1-13 year olds and after that age group, you should be watching grown up shows. I find this belief to be honestly damaging to the animation community. I know countless adults and even people my age who are watching cartoons. Many adults work in animation because they have a fondness for cartoons.

Many of the “real” shows that my family tries to show me are ones that don’t spark any interests in me. I like documentaries and also national geographic, however, I don’t watch many of those because either I don’t feel like it or I just felt like seeing an animation show. Many shows that I watch are from Disney or Cartoon Network which is seen as childish behavior. It has gotten to the point where I would get so annoyed when someone asks me what I’m watching since I already knew what was gonna come out of their mouth. I know that I’m 17 and that I should be growing up, however, I believe that people shouldn’t even have a say on what shows people watch. I do understand that if a young kid wants to watch a rated- R movie, then that should be stopped. But if an adult is watching a normal kid show, I just don’t understand why society has to act like it’s such a big deal or it is considered abnormal.

I am not ashamed for watching cartoons and having a fondness for animation since that is what I love and it is not hurting me or anybody else in any way. I don’t want to force myself to see other shows just because people of my age watch that. Many of the friends that I have also watch these cartoons and it’s not bothering them or anything else. Sure, I could watch a couple of “real” shows whenever I want to, but when people are telling me I should, it doesn’t work out for me. It’s kind of like when schools tell you to read a long novel and write an essay based off of every chapter, you would also feel suffocated and trapped.

Life isn’t a race to grow up, I think many people always forget that seeing some animations isn’t harmful at all and that it’s just for fun. I will watch the shows that I like, I will make the stuff that I like and I won’t let anyone stop me from doing what I love. I’m 17 years old, I watch cartoons and I’m happy with that because at least I’m deciding to be myself and not mask myself to make friends with others. There is a reason why there are friend groups, because people will always find others who will have the same interests. Never stop loving your passions and interests(unless they hurt a lot of people and is damaging your health), people will always be there to share the same love for the same topic. See you guys next time.

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